Does Helveticor's customer service deliver what it promises?
When it comes to customer service from a professional provider of high-security storage, only one person sets the tone: You, the customer. You should be able to expect such an understanding of customer orientation from your service provider. After all, nothing works here without your trust.
Anyone describing excellent customer service uses attributes such as these: easy to reach, personal contact, short response times with solutions on the spot, friendly, consistent contact persons. We attach particular importance to these and other characteristics in our high-security storage.
Check these criteria of cost-effectiveness and reliability:
- Accessibility: Reliable, fast and competent service
- Support: also available in urgent situations by phone, e-mail or WhatsApp
- Contact: Personal contact person who takes care of your individual needs
- Substitution: Even if your main contact person is absent, requests are processed seamlessly
- Solution orientation: A suitable solution for every wish
4 reasons that speak for reliable customer service for all aspects of high-security storage

1. how accessible is the customer service of your high-security storage facility?
You know how unsatisfactory it can be when you need urgent support and no one is available or – even worse – when you end up in an endless musical loop on the phone. Before you choose a high-security service provider, you should therefore check whether they have a reliable deputization policy. This is the only way to ensure that a competent contact person is always available to deal with your concerns promptly and efficiently.
From the field: "There for you despite being on vacation"
The person who usually advises you personally at Helveticor is currently on vacation. This should not give you any cause for concern. Thanks to our clear substitution policy, an equally qualified colleague will take over your support and deal with your request seamlessly. Whatever stage your project is at, it will remain in good hands and you can count on our premium service as usual.
2. how personal is your contact with the high-security storage provider?
Surprising, but true: in the digital age, personal contact remains the most important communication channel between client and service provider. After all, a personal exchange is still the best way to formulate your concerns and find a satisfactory solution together. That’s why we always provide you, the customer, with the same contact person. This person knows your orders, concerns and specifications and will take care of your wishes. What’s special: Staff changes are comparatively rare with us.
3. how quickly do you receive support from your high security storage provider?
No one there, no callback, no interest. Especially when things are urgent and no one is available, being unavailable can lead to considerable delays and additional costs. That won’t happen to you with Helveticor. For urgent cases, we provide you with various communication channels such as telephone, e-mail or WhatsApp and process your inquiries immediately and personally.
4. how effectively does your high-security storage provider work during staff absences?
Your main contact person is absent and suddenly everything comes to a standstill. This results in frustration, backlogs, confusion and ultimately extra work because everyone is running after the problem. We think so: This should not be allowed to happen. That’s why we rely on the comprehensive expertise of our team. Thanks to close cooperation and regular communication, we ensure that we process your inquiries seamlessly and quickly, even when your main contact is absent. You enjoy the same quality and speed that you are used to from the person you trust.
From the field: "All clear"
You need a special solution for the high-security storage of particularly difficult assets. With Helveticor, you don’t have to explain your initial situation again. Your personal contact person is familiar with your case and knows all the interfaces and security issues. They will discuss your concerns with the people responsible for high-security storage and security transportation and present you with a targeted and efficient solution. This way, you know your order is in good hands and you can get back to the urgencies of your day-to-day business.
Seven principles of excellent customer service
- Accessibility
- Speed
- Proactivity
- Accuracy
- Transparency
- Personal responsibility
- Friendliness
- Continuous improvement
Short and sweet
Nothing is as frustrating as not being able to reach a competent contact person when you are in a hurry. Or when you have to deal with a deputy who has no idea about your order history or has no skills whatsoever. At Helveticor, we do things differently. Because we believe that continuity in the quality of our customer service is crucial to success. That is why we place your request at the center of our proactivity. With a clear structure for our customer service and targeted measures, we guarantee that you will always receive the best possible support and that we will even exceed your expectations.