We take a hands-on approach to dealing with any concerns you may have – after all, we value actions more than words. You can take our word for it!
Use our contact form, give us a call or book an appointment online. We look forward to hearing from you.
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Our professional is ready to assist you with any inquiries.


“As a full-service provider, Helveticor goes much further and offers a wide range of services at the highest level of security.”
Philip – Head of Sales
Philip – Head of Sales

"Sustainability is maximum security, the highest level of commitment and uninterrupted knowledge transfer maintained through conviction."
Raphael – CEO
Raphael – CEO

"Precisely because swissness is not just in our name! It's in everything we do!"
Jonas - Head of Operations & Controlling
Jonas - Head of Operations & Controlling

"Helveticor excels in client relations due to their ability to go way beyond their limits in providing the best solutions"
Reka – Sales & Marketing
Reka – Sales & Marketing

"Helveticor strives for excellence in all their activities and provides the client the highest quality standards"
Urs – Director of Sales
Urs – Director of Sales

"Those who expect all the answers in their lifetime are thinking too small. Sustainability is the answer we give to our next generation. Sustainability is therefore in our hands."
Silvia - Head Legal and Risk
Silvia - Head Legal and Risk

"It is our commitment to provide our customers with the highest possible quality and satisfaction."
Dena - Operations
Dena - Operations

"International Value Logistics means the secure and precise handling of valuable shipments - regardless of their origin or destination."
Kristina - Operations
Kristina - Operations

"Safe, efficient and reliable - our recipe for success and your guarantee that your most valuable goods are in the best hands with us."
Radoslava - Sales & Marketing
Radoslava - Sales & Marketing