Secure storage in an open customs warehouse (OCW)

Behind steel doors in the open customs warehouse

Zolllagerung 1

White metals such as silver, platinum, or palladium are generally subject to VAT in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, unless they are traded and stored in an open customs warehouse (OCW). These white metals can be purchased, stored, and sold via authorized precious metals dealers or banks, which deliver the goods direct to our open customs warehouse in our security vehicles. This makes a complex process really simple. Open customs warehousing is also ideal for the VAT-free storage of other goods, such as diamonds or gemstones. As the license holder of open customs warehouses, we offer our customers easy access to VAT-free storage of assets.

Definition of open customs warehouses and duty-free warehouses:

Open customs warehouses (OCWs) are customs warehouses in the Swiss customs territory in which the warehouse keeper – in our case, we as Helveticor AG – can store valuable customer inventories. Customer inventories arrive at the warehouse (approved location) in transit from the border, and are not cleared through customs.

Once stored, the import assessment (known colloquially as customs clearance) can also be carried out directly on site. Options are also available for a transit procedure and re-expedition from Switzerland.

In contrast to open customs warehouses, duty-free warehouses (often also called DFWs) are warehouses where duty unpaid and untaxed goods are stored temporarily. They are operated by private warehouse companies, have a public character, and are open to all interested parties.


    1. Many years of expertise in customs warehousing
    2. VAT exemption for white metals such as silver, platinum, and palladium
    3. VAT-free storage of other valuables such as diamonds and gemstones
    4. Customs warehouses in Switzerland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, and major financial centers
    5. Comprehensive insurance cover in the customs warehouse



Many years of expertise in customs warehousing

Our long-standing expertise in customs warehousing ensures the highest standards and security for duty-free precious metals storage, especially white metals, or other types of goods such as diamonds, gemstones, or art.

With years of experience, we understand the different requirements for the VAT-free storage of various types of goods. Our expertise gives you the confidence that your assets are in safe hands. Be it standard 1,000-fine-ounce silver bars, platinum and palladium bars, or coins, bars, diamonds, and gemstones: we know the requirements, and ensure that your assets are stored correctly.

Standard bars are often stored on pallets, while the requirements often vary for smaller items such as coins, diamonds, and gemstones. We understand the variety of different types of goods and items, and provide special pallets and boxes to ensure each is stored appropriately.

A core aspect of our experience includes handling deposits, relocations, and retrievals, as well as the proper execution of the associated customs documents exclusively using the eight-eyes principle. Furthermore, our many years of expertise in customs warehousing is underpinned by our specifically designed storage system, which not only meets the highest standards, but is also approved by the customs authorities. Our storage system is designed to meet basic security guidelines as well as the demanding banking standard. Details of your customs inventories are in safe hands in our specialist storage system, and we do everything we can to ensure the highest security standards.

VAT exemption for white metals such as silver, platinum, and palladium

VAT exemption for white metals such as silver, platinum, and palladium is a key advantage of customs warehousing. These precious metals are usually subject to VAT, which makes trading and storage less attractive for investors and traders. However, using our open customs warehouse (OCW) eliminates this VAT liability, allowing investors and traders to reduce their costs and increase their profit margins.

This tax relief enables customers to use their financial resources more efficiently, and to fully exploit their investment potential. VAT exemption therefore not only presents a financial advantage, but is also an important tool for optimizing trade and investment in precious metals.

As an open customs warehouse license holder, we ensure compliance with customs regulations. Our customers benefit from simplified access to customs warehousing options.


Our professional is ready to assist you with any inquiries.

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VAT-free storage of other valuables such as diamonds or gemstones

In addition to white metals, the open customs warehouse (OCW) also offers the option of VAT-free storage of other valuables such as diamonds or gemstones. The variety of storage solutions we offer makes the open customs warehouse an attractive option for investors and collectors who want to store their assets in a tax-optimized way.

VAT-free storage enables customers to reduce their costs and maximize their returns. The customs warehouse also provides a safe and secure environment for storing high-quality valuables – an indispensable advantage for investors and collectors alike.

As an open customs warehouses (OCW) license holder, we not only guarantee safe storage, but also ensure compliance with customs regulations. Our customers benefit from simplified access to customs warehousing options.

Customs warehouses in Switzerland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, and major financial centers

Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein are known for their political stability and neutrality, offering an additional layer of security for the customs warehousing of goods subject to VAT, especially in times of geopolitical uncertainty. Their long tradition in the financial sector and their reputation for reliability make Switzerland and Liechtenstein prime locations for the customs warehousing of valuable assets such as silver, platinum, palladium, diamonds, and gemstones.

We also provide customs warehousing of the highest caliber in international financial centers. The choice of international financial center allows for the geographical diversification of storage locations. This reduces potential risks that could be associated with regional events. Our international security transports guarantee the safe, reliable transportation of your valuables, as well as compliance with customs regulations. Our top priorities during the entire transportation process are integrity and security. We place the highest value on integrity and security during the entire transportation process.

Comprehensive insurance cover in the customs warehouse

Our insurance policy is an all-risk insurance placed on the Lloyd’s international insurance market in London. Lloyd’s is globally renowned as the insurer with the highest security standards in the sector. By placing our insurance policy directly on the Lloyd’s market, we ensure that the valuables you have stored in our customs warehouse enjoy world-class protection.

Of course, all our national and international security transport options are also fully insured, meaning that your valuables are fully covered even during transportation. This means that your valuable goods are also fully protected during transportation.


Our professional is ready to assist you with any inquiries.

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We store your valuable assets in high-security buildings in Switzerland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, and in the most important financial centers in the world. Whether you require long-term storage, a brief stopover, or time in our own customs warehouse, we have a solution to suit you.


Helveticor AG is the ideal choice for securely transporting various valuable assets within Switzerland. We use state-of-the-art security vehicles, accompanied by trained, armed personnel, and comprehensive insurance coverage.


Whether by road, air or sea – we make sure that your valuable assets arrive safely, on time and by the fastest route. With our international secure transport, your valuable assets remain in the care of our experts around the clock, and are fully insured.


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