For many investors, gold and other physical assets are the ultimate in security, especially in turbulent times. Gold has recently reached a new all-time high, prompting many people to review their investments and add physical assets to their portfolios. But this rise in the price of gold does not just mean that the value of your physical investments or those of your customers has increased. It also implies a higher consolidated risk, especially if these assets are stored at home or in external security storage companies.
It is therefore essential to ensure that your insurance policies reflect the growing values and cover the associated risks. Another important element is strict adherence to security and audit processes in order to protect your assets in the best possible way. Ultimately, it’s about being able to ensure a feeling of security and trust.
At Helveticor AG, one of the few globally active Swiss family-owned companies, we understand these needs perfectly. We operate our own infrastructures such as safes and high-security facilities in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. This makes us unique and gives our customers unparalleled confidence in our security.
We know that trust is key, especially when it comes to such valuable commodities as gold. That is why we are committed to working with the best insurance partners. Our long-term partner in insurance matters is the globally active London-based broker “Howden”. We are proud to have successfully completed our annual insurance renewal in cooperation with this renowned broker for the fourth time in a row.

This successful partnership gives us the certainty that we can always offer the best possible protection and comprehensive liability against all risks. It also enables us to respond to rising values with flexible and adapted insurance limits, which allows us to continue to offer our customers the service they expect in the future. Our credo “in Swiss Hands in Safe Hands” is not just a slogan, but a promise to our customers that their assets are in safe and insured hands with us.
Our ongoing collaboration with experienced insurance experts allows us to adapt to changing market conditions while still ensuring the highest level of security and protection. This means that our customers can invest in their future with a clear conscience, knowing that we are at their side. Our flexibility and expertise in insurance cover enable us to stay up to date and meet our customers’ needs in the best possible way.